Donate and the Lifeboat Lotto

How can you help us?

Have a collection tin in your workplace, join our Lifeboat Lotto, have a sponsored event, leave us something in your legacy, make a one off donation; there are plenty of ways you can help support us. Read on below:

It’s a Lotto with a difference. Entry is only £2 a week, hardly the price of a pint, and there are no weekly entries to fill in, just pick 4 numbers between 1 and 31 and fill them on the application form. You only need to do this once as your numbers are then registered in the Lifeboat Lotto computer and are entered into each weekly draw for as long as you pay.


Win up to £5,000

Paying is easy too, no hands in pockets or purses, payment is made by either cheque for £52 which covers 6 months entries or by monthly or quarterly Standing Order. No cash changes hands – Nothing could be easier.

Match 4 numbers and you will win the roll-over jackpot which starts at £500 and increases by £100 a week until a winner is found. If no one matches the numbers drawn, a winner is guaranteed when the jackpot reaches £5000. Match 3 numbers and win a £20.

Winning numbers are published each week on the Lifeboat Lotto website.

GAFIRS Lifeboat Lotto – keeping your Lifeboat afloat.


How To Join

To join the GAFIRS Lifeboat Lotto:

  1. Download an entry form HERE
  2. Send your completed entry form to FREEPOST LIFEBOAT LOTTO (no stamp required)
  3. We will write to you to confirm your entry


No Printer?

If you are unable to print your own entry form, please email us at or phone 0800 009 4357 and we will send you an entry form through the post.

You can help GAFIRS by making a regular donation, by leaving a legacy to GAFIRS, by raising money for us through an fundraising event. You can join our Lifeboat Lotto, you can spread the word on the great work we do in the community and at sea, you can offer your services to GAFIRS by becoming a member…


Join our Lifeboat Lotto and support us, and perhaps be one of our future lucky weekly jackpot winners of up to £5,000! See below for details.


Alternatively, you can contact our team by using the contact form below.


Your gift of a donation be it large or small, is really appreciated and will contribute to help us save lives in, on or near the water